Selecting and Managing Raster Images

One of the many useful features of AutoCAD Map 3D is placing a rectified raster image in the proper position in your drawing.  Many tools are available for managing the display of the image, including adjustments to brightness, contrast and fading, as well as clipping the image down to a more manageable size.  To gain access to the context-sensitive image control ribbon, simply select the raster image.


Sometimes selecting the image can be tricky, because the typical way to do this in AutoCAD is to pick the image frame, the perimeter line utoCAD creates around an inserted image.  If you are zoomed in to an area of detail, if you have the image frame display turned off, or if the image is very large, then panning to the perimeter is not always practical. There is an easier way to select it – simply press the Shift key while left-clicking anywhere on the image.

If there are multiple overlapping images in the drawing, a dialog box is displayed, allowing you to select one particular image.

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