Welcome to the next generation of training materials for GIS in Civil 3D, the Practical Guide.
Learn the tools available in AutoCAD Civil 3D to work with geospatial data. Leveraging GIS data will greatly enhance your civil engineering design efforts, while satisfying the ever increasing needs for it throughout the design process.
Each stand-alone lesson provides you with the foundation you need to effectively apply these features directly to your work flow. Follow clear, concise explanations, and work through real-world exercises to reinforce your understanding of common tasks that other civil engineering and surveying professionals are performing daily.
This large format book is spiral bound, to lie perfectly flat on your desk.
It features over 100 exercises organized into 47 lessons in 12 chapters. Each lesson includes detailed descriptions of processes and theory with many illustrations and diagrams, to help you understand “why”, not just “how”.
Instructors: this book is used in classrooms worldwide. Find out more about using it in your next class.
After completing this book, you will be able to:
- Work with coordinate systems
- Clean drawings with common geometry errors
- Insert rectified raster images
- Work with a variety of attribute data
- Apply object classification to your mapping system
- Import GIS data from a variety of sources
- Create surfaces and pipe networks directly from GIS data
- Export geometry and attribute data to other GIS formats
- Export Civil 3D objects to other GIS formats
- Connect directly to GIS data
- Connect to raster surface data
- Attach and query source drawings
- Save changes to attached source drawings
- Extract data for reports and quantity takeoffs
- Create, manage and analyze topologies
- Produce sophisticated map books
This book is suitable for anyone from general AutoCAD users to seasoned professionals in the Civil Engineering, Surveying, Mapping, Planning, Land Development or GIS industries.
Features and Benefits of all Cadapult books:
- Lessons build upon one another using a contiguous dataset, providing consistency through the entire book
- Skills learned through easy-to-follow, step-by-step procedures
- Sequential exercises that follow one logical, real-world example project
- Flexible datasets allow you to “skip ahead” to a relevant lesson, or use as an on-demand reference guide
- Detailed explanations and chapter summaries facilitate learning and retention
- Written by instructors with decades of industry and teaching experience
- Tested and refined in classrooms with a broad cross-section of students
This book has 480 pages, organized into 12 chapters, in a large-format, spiral bound volume.
Authors: Rick Ellis and Russell Martin
ISBN 978-1-934865-34-7
Written, printed and published in the United States of America.
Meet the Authors
Rick Ellis, president of Cadapult Software Solutions, Inc, has worked with and taught AutoCAD Civil 3D, along with Map 3D and other Autodesk products since the mid-90s. He is the Author of several critically acclaimed books on AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Map 3D, Land Desktop and Carlson Software; including the Practical Guide series.
Rick continues to use AutoCAD Civil 3D on projects in a production environment, in addition to teaching classes to organizations both large and small around the country, helping them get the most out of their design software investment.
This practical background and approach has made him an award winning speaker at Autodesk University, a member of the national speaker team for the AUGI CAD Camps and a sought after instructor by organizations around the world.
Russell Martin is the technical editor of many of Cadapult Software Solutions’ training books, and is the co-author of “A Practical Guide to AutoCAD Map 3D”, “A Practical Guide to GIS in AutoCAD Civil 3D” and “Digging into AutoCAD Map 3D ” (plus many earlier editions, suitable for learning Map 3D back to the 2004 release). He has also written many articles and white papers on CAD and GIS software.
Russell has nearly three decades of experience using AutoCAD, and has been a power user since release 11, pushing the envelope in the mid-1990s for mapping and analysis using Autodesk Data Extension (ADE) tools, the precursors to AutoCAD Map.
He has taught AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map 3D to hundreds of users; one-on-one, in small classrooms, as well as at large venues including Autodesk University. He welcomes your connection through LinkedIn.