Interface Changes in AutoCAD Map 3D 2012

Among the many enhancements and changes to AutoCAD Map 3D for 2012 are new workspace ribbons, as well as new interface tools for selecting coordinate systems and stylizing features.

The first change you are likely to notice when you launch the latest version of Map 3D is the ribbon.  The default workspace, and the one used for most Autodesk tutorials and videos, is the new Planning & Analysis workspace.  The ribbon for this workspace organizes commands in a way that combines object and feature commands in each panel, based on tasks related to setting up a GIS, and performing spatial analysis tasks.   This workspace and ribbon replace the similarly named, but very different tool-based and task-based geospatial workspaces in earlier versions of Map.


When assigning a coordinate system to a drawing, inserting a correlated image, tracking coordinates, or importing GIS data or connecting to feature data that resides in a different coordinate system, you will notice a new interface for 2012.  You now have enhanced search tools to choose from over 4,000 different international coordinate systems in this new series dialog boxes.

Also new for 2012 are improved tools for stylizing point, line and polygon features.  These tools provide many more options for cartographic representation of feature data objects through the Display Manager.


In addition to a tremendous amount of new material on procedures and theory, all of these changes are covered in detail in our completely new training book A Practical Guide to AutoCAD Map 3D 2012.

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